Siberian flutist Taya König-Tarasevich enjoys an international career as soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral performer on renaissance, baroque, classical, romantic, and modern flutes. A proud graduate of The Juilliard School, Taya is artistic director of VERITÀ BAROQUE ensemble, an international pool of soloists bound by a mission of contextualizing baroque chamber music in the 21st century and revolutionizing the concert experience by employing cutting-edge technology, such as immersive sound and 360 degree video recording.

Taya’s recent highlights include residencies in three different countries with her ensemble VERITÀ. Taya made her Lincoln Center debut in Alice Tully Hall as a soloist with Masaaki Suzuki. Notable engagements include performances with Utopia, MusicAeterna, Les Arts Florissants, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, as well as guest artist for the Dallas Bach Society and Smithsonian Chamber Musician fellow. As a featured soloist, Taya’s toured around the globe in countries such as the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark. She has performed under the direction of prestigious music directors such as Teodor Curentzis, Dmitry Sinkovsky, Rachel Podger, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Pablo Heras-Casado, Richard Egarr, and Alfredo Bernardini. Inspired by her experiences performing and working with prominent artists and maestros, Taya has produced numerous digital performances with her ensemble, VERITÀ, since December 2020. As Taya is fluent in English, German, Italian and Russian she believes that music speaks the most truthful language of its own. She holds degrees from Musikhochschule Karlsruhe, University of Michigan, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, and The Juilliard School. Taya is a tea sommeillé and is currently working on her Yoga Teacher certification while continuing her post-graduale studies


“The flute wouldn’t sound without my breath, and so am I: only when I'm on stage, I am filled with the breath of life.”